I am currently in the last year of my DPhil, which was funded jointly by the AHRC and a Scatcherd scholarship. Before coming to Oxford, I obtained a BA and an MA in History and English a the University of Lausanne, where I worked on Chilean political exile and gender dynamics, and an MA in Latin American Cultural Studies from the Universidad de Chile. My dissertation about Cuban magazine Orígenes was funded by the Chilean funding body, FONDECYT, and was part of a broader research project on Caribbean literary fields and women writers.
I am also this year's Library Officer, as part of the Graduate Network Student Committee.
My research at Oxford focuses on translation and Mexican literary periodicals of the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. In my doctoral thesis, I combine close comparative analysis with sociological approaches (field theory, sociology of translation) and Digital Humanities (exploratory data analysis, data visualisation) in order to identify patterns of change in the practice of translation, and determine how it contributed to the development of modern Mexican literature. Magazines prominently featured in this study include the Revista Azul, Revista Moderna, Pegaso, El Maestro, Vida mexicana, La Falange, and Contemporáneos. Broader interests include women writers and translators, intellectual networks in Latin America, literature and migration, non-fictional accounts of political violence, and text mining and poetics. I am particularly keen to explore the potential of digital tools for outreach and teaching purposes, as well as for research, in accordance with open data good practice.
Lecture on avant-garde movements in Latin America
FHS Paper XIV (Extended Essay)
Prelims Paper III (Introduction to Hispanic literature)
Outreach: In addition to undergraduate teaching, I have been involved in a number of outreach and access initiatives (such as Faculty events, the UNIQ summer school, OxNet, and the London Centre for Languages and Cultures). This includes assisting with and leading workshops on a range of topics in both language and literature, as well as volunteering with the Weston Library's Education Officer at school visits and public engagement events featuring special collections.
Finally, I have also participated in and led a series of collective literary translation workshops, the latest of which was the Translation Exchange's virtual translation project featuring Fiamma Luzzati's L'Avventura comic blog.
Publications (selected)
“Shaping translation in two Mexican cultural magazines: a case study in the use of quantitative methods for the analysis of translation in periodical publications.” In Diana Roig Sanz, Laura Fólica and Stefania Caristia (eds.). Literary Translation in Periodicals. Methodological Challenges for a Transnational Approach. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2020. 121–151. [open access] [data]
“Matices de la postvanguardia. Traducción de poesía en Orígenes (1944–1956).” In César Zamorano Díaz (ed.). Escrituras en tránsito. Revistas y redes culturales en América Latina. Santiago de Chile: Cuarto Propio, 2018. 34–48.
“La traducción literaria como máscara: aproximaciones a las Poesías Líricas de Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda.” Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 50.1 (2016): 95–121. [institutional access]
“Exilio, sujeto lírico y lenguaje en la poesía de Cristina Peri Rossi.” Meridional, Revista Chilena de Estudios Latinoamericanos 5 (2015): 179–206. [open access]
Concha, Fernando and Popea, Marina. “Prólogo.” in Hulme, T. E., Los sonidos diminutos. Santiago de Chile: La Calabaza del Diablo, 2014. 5–12.
Conference and seminar papers (selected)
- “Quantifying cultural change: literary translation in Mexican periodicals (1894-1931).” DH2020 Conference (July 2020). [Peer-reviewed and accepted but canceled due to COVID-19. Book of abstracts].
- “Translating the world: mapping the symbolic networks of Mexican periodicals (1894-1931).” NeMLA 2020 Convention (March 2020).
- “A computational approach to translation in Mexican periodicals from the revolutionary era (1912-1923).” Emerging Scholars in the Humanities Workshop (University of Oxford, University of Notre Dame, September 2019).
- “Bridging textual and historical approaches: theoretical and methodological grounds for the study of translation in literary magazines.” International Conference “Translation in periodical publications: theoretical problems and methodological challenges for a transnational study on a large scale” (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, September 2018).
- “ʻRemando en las galeras de la prensaʼ: revistas literarias, traducción y conformación del campo cultural mexicano en el cambio de siglo.” I Congreso Internacional de Literatura Mexicana, siglos XIX y XX (UNAM, June 2018).
- “Traducción y plagio en el modernismo hispanoamericano: Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera y la formulación de la poética del robo.” LASA2018 (May 2018).
- “ʻLadrones de camino realʼ: Translation, Plagiarism and Modernist(a) Poetics in a Transnational Perspective.” “Iberian and Latin American modernismos” seminar, MSA19 (August 2017).
- “Los caminos del contacto cultural: redes y proceso traductor en Orígenes (1944-1956).” I Congreso Internacional sobre revistas y redes culturales en América Latina (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, August 2016).
- “El universalismo desde los márgenes: Traductoras en Orígenes.” International Seminar “Autorías femeninas y campos literarios en América Latina y el Caribe (1850 – 1950)” (Universidad de Chile, July 2015).
- “Entre vanguardia y ‘otra vanguardia’. La traducción de poesía en Orígenes como parte de su estrategia de posicionamiento en el campo cultural cubano.” II Congreso Internacional “El Caribe en sus Literaturas y Culturas” (Universidad Nacional de la Plata/Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, April 2015)