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Katerina is currently Stipendiary Lecturer of Spanish at St Anne's College Oxford. She is reading for the DPhil in Medieval and Modern Languages (Spanish) at Wolfson College with a thesis title of: 'Iconographic Strength: Female Agency through Immaculist Devotion in Calderón’s Marian Autos Sacramentales'. Her thesis sheds light on early modern feminism. She addresses the gap in scholarship on Pedro Calderón de la Barca’s promotion of female agency in his autos sacramentales. Her thesis examines how iconography of Mary's Immaculate Conception positions women as exemplars of strength and virtue for both sexes. Her primary research interests lie in Mariology; conceptions of mind and body in early modern literature; women and gender representations in early modern literature; early modern sensory perception.

Katerina graduated with her B.A. from Baylor University, where she studied Great Texts and Spanish. Following graduation, she was awarded a Fulbright Grant through the U.S. State Department and Spanish government to work as an English teaching assistant in Spain. She completed her MSt in Medieval and Modern Languages (Spanish and English) at The Queen’s College, Oxford.

Katerina is involved with public engagement projects to increase access and appreciation of Hispanic theatre through 'Diversifying the Classics' and the podcast 'Radio Comedia' (UCLA). She is on the editorial board for the peer-reviewed journal IDS. Revista de Jóvenes Humanistas (Universidad de Navarra). She is also involved in modern languages outreach at Oxford as a Graduate Ambassador for the MML Faculty, a volunteer for the Queen’s College Translation Exchange, and a tutor/lecturer at OxNet and UNIQ summer schools. 

She is winner of the John and Daria Barry Scholarship to fund her DPhil at Oxford. She has been awarded the Hesse Award for 'Best Graduate Presentation' from the Association of Hispanic Classical Theater along with several grants to present at conferences such as the RSA and MLA. She co-convened the Oxford Golden Age Spanish Symposium in 2023 and 2024. 


This year (2024-2025), she is teaching FHS Papers II, VI, IX and Prelims Paper II, III, IV at St Anne's. Her teaching portfolio includes:

  • Medieval/Early Modern Spanish Unseen Translation (FHS Paper III)
  • Modern Spanish Unseen Translation (FHS Paper II; Prelims Paper II)
  • Period of Literature to 1499 (FHS Paper VI)
  • Introduction to Hispanic Prose (Prelims Paper III)
  • Introduction to Hispanic Poetry and Drama (Prelims Paper IV)
  • Golden Age Prescribed Authors (FHS Paper X)
  • Spanish Golden Age tutorials (OxNet Summer School at Pembroke, UNIQ Summer School - MML Faculty)
  • Medieval Spanish lyric in translation (English FHS Paper III for Oxford English Faculty)
  • Contemporary Latin American film (UNIQ Summer School - MML Faculty) 
  • Spanish Graduate Teaching Assistant (Prelims Papers III and IV), Lincoln College (2022-2024)


Levinson, Katerina J. 2024. "Allegorical Vision: The Promotion of the Senses and the Vision of the Entendimiento in Calderón’s El cubo de la Almudena" Humanities 13, no. 3: 72.