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Tahar Ben Jelloun
© Tahar Ben Jelloun

We are delighted that award-winning and internationally best-selling novelist, essayist, critic and poet Tahar Benjelloun will be giving the 2025 Zaharoff lecture. He has taken the following question as the title of his lecture: Que peut la littérature par ces temps difficiles?

Tahar Benjelloun was born in Morocco and Maghrebi Arabic is his native language but he has always written in French. His 1985 novel *L'Enfant de Sable* (The Sand Child) has been translated into over 40 languages. He won the Prix Goncourt for its sequel, his 1987 novel *La Nuit Sacrée* (The Sacred Night). He was the first Moroccan author to win the Goncourt.

Tahar Benjelloun's work engages with major topics like migration, racism, terrorism, women's place in the Arab world etc.

Please click here to register for the event.


Event organised with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in London